OpenVPN Routing between two networks


I have two OpenVPN server instances running on a WRT54GL (Tomato f/w 1.27vpn), one uses and has 3 of my virtual servers, with this being used to backup these servers nightly thru the vpn. I also connect to this instance via laptop when I'm out and about. This is working fine. Now to the problem.. I have the second OpenVPN instance configured on and a virtual server connected there with a couple more to follow. I want to keep the networks separate since one is my personal stuff and the
others are for clients. Both OpenVPN instances are configured for client-to-client. My problem is when I'm out on the laptop, I get to the subnet, since I get ifconfig-pushed a addresss, but cannot figure out how/where to configure routing to allow me to get to/from the network. I kind of expect that to be in the WRT54GL/Tomato routing table since that's the gateway for both networks, but I've tried all sorts of combinations and get no connection between the two networks..
It's gotta be simple, but I'm missing it…


Best Answer

Not sure if you can edit the openvpn.conf file on a WRT, but if you can; this is how to push a route to the client:

push "route"

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