OpenVPN – Unable to Accept Multiple Connections from Same User



  • I'm using OpenVpn Server Access appliance, not the free CE edition; I do not know if they're different in config or in behaviours.
  • Current appliance version is: 2.1.9
  • Server version: 2.5.2
  • License status: 2 devices
  • All of the following configs are done using official web admin interface
  • OS Ubuntu 18.04: Linux 4.4.0-134-generic #160-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 15 14:58:00 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Configurations involed

  • Multiple Sessions per User ON
  • Listinening on eth0:
  • Ports: tcp/1194, udp/1194
  • OSI layer: 3 (routing/NAT)
  • Server config directives contains only duplicate-cn
  • Server config directives contains only duplicate-cn
  • I saved, and confirmed to propagate configs to running
  • I already tried to restart service, and also to reboot server; nothing changes

The problem

  • Installed OpenVpn official app both on iPad and on an Android Phone
  • Downloaded the client certificate.
  • I opened the .ovpn file and I can see

     # Extra user-defined configuration
  • I connect to VPN using the iPad

  • I connect to VPN using Android Phone
  • iPad is being disconneted from VPN
  • iPad expressly tellme

    Client was halted by server: disconnected due to new connection by same user.


Note the rows starting with OVPN 5 OUT

[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=ef370909 6ae63962'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' VERIFY OK: depth=1, /CN=OpenVPN CA'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' VERIFY OK: nsCertType=CLIENT'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' VERIFY OK: depth=0, /CN=realtebo'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_GUI_VER=net.openvpn.connect.ios_3.0.0-712'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_VER=3.2'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_PLAT=ios'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_NCP=2'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_TCPNL=1'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_PROTO=2'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_LZO=1'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_LZO_SWAP=1'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_LZ4=1'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_LZ4v2=1'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_COMP_STUB=1'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_COMP_STUBv2=1'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_HWADDR=D3E089DB-77B9-4A5B-95AA-2081A4EB5366'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' peer info: IV_BS64DL=1'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' Control Channel: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 2048 bit RSA'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: ' [realtebo] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]'
[-] OVPN 5 OUT: 'MANAGEMENT: CMD \'client-kill 1 "HALT,disconnected due to new connection by same user"\''
[-] OVPN 5 OUT: 'Delayed exit in 5 seconds'
[-] OVPN 5 OUT: "SENT CONTROL [realtebo_AUTOLOGIN]: 'HALT,disconnected due to new connection by same user' (status=1)"
OMIClientAuth,0,] AUTH SUCCESS {'status': 0, 'reason': 'local auth succeeded', 'serial_list': [], 'user': u'realtebo', 
   'proplist': {u'prop_autologin': u'true', u'pvt_password_digest': '[redacted]', u'type': u'user_compile',
   u'prop_autogenerate': u'true'}, 'common_name': u'realtebo', 'serial': '4'} cli=u'ios'/u'3.2'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: "MANAGEMENT: CMD 'client-auth 2 0'"
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: 'realtebo/ OPTIONS IMPORT: compression parms modified'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: 'realtebo/ MULTI: Learn: -> realtebo/'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: 'realtebo/ MULTI: primary virtual IP for realtebo/'
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: "realtebo/ SENT CONTROL [realtebo]: 'PUSH_REPLY,explicit-exit-notify,topology subnet,route-delay 5 30,
    dhcp-pre-release,dhcp-renew,dhcp-release,route-metric 101,ping 12,ping-restart 50,auth-tokenSESS_ID,comp-lzo yes,redirect-private 
    def1,redirect-private bypass-dhcp,redirect-private autolocal,route-gateway,route,
    route,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option ADAPTER_DOMAIN_SUFFIX,
    register-dns,block-ipv6,ifconfig,peer-id 0,cipher AES-256-GCM' (status=1)"
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: "realtebo/ Data Channel: using negotiated cipher 'AES-256-GCM'"
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: "realtebo/ Outgoing Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key"
[-] OVPN 4 OUT: "realtebo/ Incoming Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key"
[-] OVPN 5 OUT: 'realtebo_AUTOLOGIN/ SIGTERM[soft,delayed-exit] received, client-instance exiting'

Side notes

  • The user is a standard one, _is not an admin _
  • I've already tried to revoke certificate, delete user, recreate, reinstall certificate on both devices; nothing changes
  • As from a comment, I am not using static IPs
  • OpenVpn server is at latest available version, 2.5.2
  • This issue seems to be fixed since v1.7.1
  • while connecting 2 devices with the same user do not works, connecting 2 devices with different usernames works

Similar questions, and why them do not helped

Best Answer

It is just not possible. Make second .openvpn file for another device with another cert - since you are using your own OpenVPN server it wouldn't add you any costs.