OpenVPN – Setup VPN Server on Google Compute Engine


I'm trying to use Google Compute Engine server as VPN server for all my traffic (I'm living in Russia, we have some issues with censorship here).

There is mini-tutorial about VPN on GCE, but it's about network between 2 servers inside GCE and not with OpenVPN.

I've made all steps from another tutorial, about setting up VPN with OpenVPN on Debian, I can connect to VPN from client, but then I can't open connections (can't even ping google). On the server I can ping and download everything as usual.

I have VPN on Linode with same setup and it works fine. So issue is in GCE network routing or firewall rules.

I've tried a lot of variants but nothing works. Please, look at settings and tell me what should I change.

config lines removed, because issue is solved

Best Answer

You can solve the issue of not being able to browse the web through the VPN despite being able to ping, traceroute... by one of the two following ways:

First, you can use TCP protocol instead of UDP, by changing 'proto udp' to 'proto tcp' in both client and server conf files.

Second, you can use tap device instead of tun, by changing 'dev tun' to 'dev tap' in both client and server conf files.

Not sure what the issue is though, it seems it's a problem from Google's end.