Oracle 9.2 ORA-01122 problem with UNDOTBS01.DBF


Something went wrong with our backup. What I did

shutting down db

recover the backup

restart db

after that I got this error

ORA-01122: Datenbank-Datei 2 bringt Fehler bei Verifizierungspruefung
ORA-01110: Datendatei 2: 'D:\ORACLE\ORA92ABO\ABO\UNDOTBS01.DBF'
ORA-01207: Datei neuer als Kontrolldatei - alte Kontrolldatei

the controlfile is at C:\oracle … and the database files are at d:\oracle\ora92abo…

My guess is that the backupprogramm between backing up the d:\oracle files and the c:\controlfile the database restarts. so there is a moment between the backups where the database is running.

Guess thats bad.

I googled that the UNDOTBS01.DBF has something to do with cloning, with we don't use/need at the moment.

EDIT: Details to the backup method

step 1: shutdown via

spool d:\oracle\01shutdon.log
connect / AS SYSDBA
shutdown immediate

step2: datatransfer

backup the database folder with syncback to NAS
backup the controlfile with xcopy to NAS

step3: restart

spool d:\oracle\02startup.log
connect / AS SYSDBA

Best Answer

OK here is what to do. Obviously substitute in your own values here.

  1. delete the UNDOTBS DBF from your disk. You still have a backup so it's OK.
  2. sqlplus / as sysdba
  3. startup
  4. It will complain about the missing DBF, don't worry
  5. alter system set undo_management = manual scope=spfile;
  6. shutdown and startup again
  7. alter database datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORA92ABO\ABO\UNDOTBS01.DBF' offline drop;
  8. alter database open;
  9. drop tablespace undotbs;
  10. Recreate the UNDO tablespace. You DO need it.
  11. shutdown and startup again

You really really need to get hold of and read some RMAN documentation...