Oracle on Solaris 10 : 15min TCP Timeout


I have Oracle10g running on Solaris 10. The configuration of the OS is standard, and there is a packet filter firewall running on the server.

When I run a long query using sqldeveloper, the server reset the connection after 15 minutes of inactivity.

The timeline is:

  1. client establishes the connection to server port 1521, no ssl
  2. server accept and receives the query from the client. the last packet exchanged is a TCP ACK from the server to the client
  3. … 15 minutes (to the second) pass
  4. server send a RST packet to the client, and nothing else is exchanged between the hosts afterward

I couldn't find any timeout parameter for TNS listener, so I'm guessing it might be a solaris or packet filter issue ?

Best Answer

The problem was located in a border firewall, a sonicwall, that had a default tcp timeout set at 15 minutes.

Not a solaris or oracle problem then.