OS X bootpd as dhcp server not giving out ip addresses


I'm experimenting with PXE lan-boot on my Mac OS 10.6;

After some prolonged trouble shooting, I've gotten to the point where LaunchD is nicely running bootpd with the following options:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
                OTHER OPTIONS FORMAT:

            <!-- DHCP PXE BINDINGS -->
            <string>pxe server</string>
            <string>boot folder</string>

The physical setup is:

     Router (DHCP off)
        |------- Mac (DHCP Server)
        |------- Thin Client
        |------- mobile device

When testing with a mobile device over the router's wifi I get:

bootpd[1244]: DHCP DISCOVER [en0]: <MAC ADDRESS>
bootpd[1244]: service time 0.000725 seconds

but the device never receives an IP address.

Is there an option I'm missing that it needs to give out addresses?

Best Answer

Well after quite I few changes I have it working, I'll try to remember what I did to correct it:

Firstly I did not notice the other error that was appearing in the startup output:

subnets: create failed, 'net_range' start not within subnet

The problem here is that with a mask of, the net_address should end in .0:


With your server address still <-- you may need to set this manually

Secondly, dhcp_option_150 is not understood by bootpd use dhcp_option_66 (66 not 150 precedes 67, who would have thought.

The final flaw I can find at this point is that:


should be:


with the interface to use as a string of an array; although in practice it seems that specifying -i en0 is also required in the launch arguments. This is in bootps.plist at /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/bootps.plist as:


If you have any other trouble I would recommend running bootpd manually with the arguments: -dv this makes it run foreground (-d) and verbose (-v).

Hope this helps anyone else struggling through this problem!