OSX clients on Active Directory mounting wrong Home path


I am adding an OSX Open Directory server to a Windows 2008 Domain. I've got OSX clients authentication properly against AD and getting the settings from OD.

In AD, the users profiles are set to connect a Home folder to a network path, e.g. Z:\ to \\server\share\username

When logging into OSX, this gets mounted as \\server\share.

I've played with the advanced settings under AD binding on OSX, but they all seem to be related to using the network path as the OSX Home folder, which is not what I want.

What do I need to do to get this mounting directly to \\server\share\username when logging into OSX?

Best Answer

I know nothing about OS X, but the behavior you're describing sounds just like the behavior of the old Windows 9X OS's. To get properly "mapped" home directories on those old beasts the user's home directory had to be the share point (because a \server\share\user UNC would map the root of the drive letter to \server\share). We ended up sharing each user home directory individually. It would work for what you want, but it's certainly not preferred. I can tell you that 2004-era W2K3 Server machines could handle hosting 2,500+ shared folders with no I'll effects...