Outbound message getting 554 rejecting banned content from Postini


Setup: In-house Exchange Server 2010 using Postini for spam protection.

An user in our organization is getting his outbound emails to a particular recipient bounced back with an error of "Postini #554 rejecting banned content ##". I have added that recipient to this user's "Approved Recipient" list to no avail.

I'm looking for advice on how to troubleshoot this issue. At the moment, I can't find any log messages for this particular email.

Best Answer

This is not coming from your end. It is on the recipients end and they are blocking it. If it was your end then postini would have -psmtp at the end of the error. That is why adding it to the approved list did nothing.

You have to see about them adding the sender to the approved list.

I know this is an old question but it still comes up on Google so I figured I would answer it.

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