RDP – Troubleshooting Outbound RDP Session Failures from Windows XP SP3

rdpremote desktopwindows-xp

I can telnet 3389 and get a connection.
But RDP client to immedietly bails (less than 1 sec) "connect" button greys briefly, RDP app remains on screen. Have tried these from other nodes on the subnet to with same result.

On Allow Remote Desktop is enabled.
On windows firemall is off.
I'm connecting from the same subnet, i.e no firewall hardware / routers in the way.
AV software is installed but other nodes on same subnet allow RDP connection using exact same AV settings (network group profile)
Checked for any additonal AV software or local firewall products. I'm sure none exist. Checked registry to ensure 3389 was the port set for listening.

Seems to be an XP problem (SP3). 2 nodes on the my LAN have this issue, but many others work fine.

Best Answer

I've been having this same issue as well.

Port 3389 will be open and accessible via Telnet. When I try to log in it'll seem to have connected but the session disconnects after a brief pause (about a second or two).

After hunting around on the web and reviewing my system logs I discovered that it was caused by a problem in the display drivers. In my case it was caused by the ATI Catalyst drivers but systems with nVidia drivers have been known to suffer the issue as well.

I'd suggest reviewing your Event Log > System for messages such as:

\SystemRoot\System32\RDPDD.dll failed to load

In my case the issue was resolved by rolling back to the basic ATI video driver.

Here's a more in-depth discussion of the issue. http://blogs.technet.com/b/brad_rutkowski/archive/2008/01/04/systemroot-system32-rdpdd-dll-failed-to-load.aspx