Outlook 2007 Autodiscover Out Of Office Assistant


We are having an issue trying to set the Out Of Office Assistant through Outlook 2007.

It works fine through OWA but all of the users cannot set it through Outlook. They get:

your out of office settings cannot be
displayed because the server is

We have run through: https://www.testexchangeconnectivity.com/

and we get this error: Certificate name validation error

More info:

Host name xxxxxxxxxxxx.com does not match any name found on the server certificate
CN=*.securedwebspace.com, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R), OU=See www.rapidssl.com/resources/cps (c)09, OU=GT93715821, O=*.securedwebspace.com, C=GB 

Any ideas on how we can fix this? (Everything else seems to work fine – Its just the Out of Office through Outlook)

Server is SBS 2008 with Exchange 2007 installed.


Best Answer

I feel a little conflicted about my answer. Basically the short of it is this: I don't know the SBS-approved way to fix your problem. I was sort of hoping someone else would come along with the SBS-approved way. I've resolved this issue in plain-vanilla E2007 setups, but not SBS 2008. ::shrugs::

The problem in your Exchange setup not being complete with relation to internal and external URLs. Basically, Exchange 2007 uses FQDNs, whether they're internal or external, unlike earlier versions which could use NETBIOS names. Somewhere, you don't have a URL or another quite set up and your Outlook clients don't know where to go for OOO.

So, what I'd do is this. Go to this site: http://www.amset.info/exchange/singlenamessl.asp -- Read it through. Since you have a self-signed cert, you have a single name cert, so this page's information is relevant.

Why not get a third-party cert? They just ain't expensive anymore and Exchange 2007 really wants one. ;-)

I'll try to help you as you go along.

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