Outlook 2007 slow connecting Hosted Exchange on LAN only


Were migrating to a hosted exchange service from rackspace.com from an in-house exchange server.

Outlook 2007 on the LAN where the in-house exchange server is located connecting to the hosted exchange mailbox takes painfully long (almost 4 minutes) before it's connected to hosted exchange box.

Outside the LAN from my home DSL 3000 down/512k up and from a verizon EVDO modem (even slower) Outlook connects within 10 seconds.

Is the exchange server on the LAN interfering at all? I've tried dismounting the stores and disabling the exchange services and it doesn't make a difference.

Best Answer

I discovered a setting that made everything better. In Outlook in the Account Settings -> More Settings -> Connection tab -> Exchange Proxy Settings.

Check "On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP"

So Outlook 2007 considered our LAN as a "fast network" and my home as slow, hence why I didn't see these delays outside