Outlook + Exchange : Sync Issues Folder – How to manage it


When using Microsoft Outlook with Exchange (not the online only mode) a Sync Issues folder that appears in the local PST folder. From the link above I know why it exists – but often that information is not needed (sync issues caused by the fact you are not on the network, and haven't switched to offline mode).

For users besides the space consumption, the fact there is a folder called issues with a big number next to it worries them. So my question is, what are effective methods of managing this? Can be server side (such as settings) or client side (such as rules).

If you do have a suggestion that is specific to a version of Exchange or Outlook please indicate that version.

Best Answer

If you're running Exchange 2007, look into the managed folders policy settings in the Exchange Management Console. It will at least let you manage automatic deletion of the messages that appear there. As for the folder itself, I wouldn't touch it. Outlook doesn't like it when system folders are messed with (not that I have tried on this one though)...