Outlook meeting requests and mail resending or repeating – Exchange 2003


I've had strange Exchange (or maybe Outlook) problems the last two days.

Someone sent a meeting notice to all employees two days ago (2009-06-23 16:48) for an event on Friday. (This is a regularly scheduled Friday lunch, but it's not set up as a recurring meeting because the food comes from somewhere different every week, and the organizer needs a count and food orders from each attendee. She puts the details (the menu choices) into the meeting request.) It was repeating at irregular intervals, between 15 and 20 times in 24 hours, to everyone.

  • I rebooted Exchange, though saw
    nothing unusual in any logs. That
    didn't help.
  • I had the user totally
    close (and that means
    killing the Outlook.exe process) and restart Outlook. No good.
  • Finally, cancelling the meeting (at 14:59 on 2009-06-24) took care of it.

But wait. . . there's more.

Today, I received a meeting request from my manager three times. It was not sent to the whole company like the one above, but I was on it, as was a small distribution group. He said he's pretty sure he DIDN'T send this request. The request was dated yesterday (2009-06-24 12:05). He had to cancel it twice to stop it.

The meetings were scheduled using two different conference rooms as resources, so that's not a common thread either.

Quite honestly, I'm thinking it might be Outlook, and not Exchange, based on the fact that I see nothing unusual in any log files, and past experience with Outlook and repeating messages (albeit in a POP environment, not Exchange).

Anyone have any ideas? If there's any additional info or data people think would be helpful, let me know. Thanks.

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