Elastic Beanstalk – Output JSON Logs on Amazon Linux 2


We're trying to migrate our Java applications from from the current Elastic Beanstalk JDK 8 platforms to the new ones running Corretto 11 on Amazon Linux 2. The app works well, but the way logs are handled changed. The output from the web process is now stored in /var/log/web.stdout.log and every line is prefixed with the timestamp and process name, ie:

May 20 17:00:00 ip-10-48-41-129 web: {"timestamp":"2020-05-20T17:00:00.035Z","message":"...","logger":"...","thread":"MessageBroker-2","level":"INFO"}

How can we get rid of the prefix? These logs are streamed into CloudWatch and we're outputting them to stdout in JSON so that we can later query them with Logs Insights. But with the prefix, Insights doesn't "see" the JSON and just treats the whole line as a text blob.

I cannot find any documentation for that on AWS. Almost all of Elastic Beanstalk's documentation refers to the first version of Amazon Linux.

Best Answer

I found a solution that works well enough, so I'll post it here for posterity. If someone can suggest a better one, please do.

Elastic Beanstalk on Amazon Linux 2 relies on rsyslog for log processing and output. There's a file at /opt/elasticbeanstalk/config/private/rsyslog.conf that during deployment gets copied over to /etc/rsyslog.d/web.conf and it's the one that's directing all output from the web application to /var/log/web.stdout.log.

The file doesn't include any custom template. It relies on rsyslog's default template, which prefixes any %msg% with a timestamp and $programname (which is web in this case).

I tried replacing this file via an .ebextensions config, but that didn't work, because Elastic Beanstalk seems to be overwriting this file after .ebextensions run. So I added an additional platform hook that deletes the file, keeping the custom one I added.

Here's the .ebextensions/logs.config file:

    mode: "000644"
    owner: root
    group: root
    content: |
      template(name="WebTemplate" type="string" string="%msg%\n")

      if $programname == 'web' then {
        *.=warning;*.=err;*.=crit;*.=alert;*.=emerg; /var/log/web.stderr.log;WebTemplate
        *.=info;*.=notice /var/log/web.stdout.log;WebTemplate

    command: rm -f *.bak
    cwd: /etc/rsyslog.d

and .platform/hooks/predeploy/remove-default-rsyslog-conf.sh (make sure you chmod +x this one):

rm /etc/rsyslog.d/web.conf
systemctl restart rsyslog.service