Override resources in puppet classes


Let's assume i have a site.pp like this:

class videoServer {
     file { '/root/testFile'  : ensure => present }
     file { '/root/testFile2' : ensure => present }
     file { '/root/testFile3' : ensure => present }

node s1.example.comf { include videoServer }
node s2.example.comf { include videoServer }

So i have a class videoServer with 3 in file resources and two nodes which include this class.

I am trying to figure out if there is an easy way to change resource's attributes or even totally exclude them. For example i want to exclude /root/testFile2 in the s2.example.com node. I would change it's ensure attribute to 'absent'. But what is the syntax for that if it really exists? If it's impossible how should i review the class to make it less painful?

Yes, i can you use class parameters like this:

class videoServer ( $fileState = present, $fileState2 = present, 
                    $fileState3 = present ) {
     file { '/root/testFile2'  : ensure => $fileState2 }
node s2.example.com { 
     class { 'videoServer' : fileState2 = absent }

But that is really uncomfortable.
Maybe inheritance could help here but i do not think it's a good solution. The only difference in many nodes could be the absence of one file and i see no point in inheritance in that situation.

Best Answer

You can't remove a resource definition after it is declared, and you are right, class inheritance should be used very sparingly

I would use your class parameters example with hiera

node s1.example.comf { include videoServer }
node s2.example.comf { include videoServer }

Setting s2.example.com.yaml to

videoServer::fileState2: absent