Ovirt Hosted Engine live migration


I have trouble with live migration HE in ovirt.
I have 2 nodes.
My nodes
if i migrate HE to other node, i getting an error
My error

Ovirt version 4.1

If i run host-deploy on node, i getting an error

Failed to execute stage 'Environment customization': Setup of additional hosts using this software is not allowed anymore. Please use the engine web interface to deploy any additional hosts.

Best Answer

sometimes the live migration of the ovirt-hosted-engine failed for me too. Log in via SSH on a server in your cluster and check via hosted-engine --vm-status what the score of the server is. Sometimes the activation of the server failed and the state of the node is still in maintenance. Best workaround for me was to reboot the server or try in the UI the maintenance mode and actiation again.

Do you have your Power Management set up?