PAM authentication failure with HTTP Basic auth and mod_auth_pam on Apache


I'm trying to set up HTTP Basic auth with PAM on Apache (running on Ubuntu 10.04).

I have a VirtualHost setup with SSL and the options below for HTTP Basic authentication:

AuthBasicAuthoritative off
AuthPAM_Enabled On
AuthType Basic
AuthName "PAM"
require valid-user

However, PAM refuses to log me in, despite having the right credentials.

Here's what I have in auth.log:

unix_chkpwd[25522]: password check failed for user (test)
apache2: pam_unix(apache2:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=33 euid=33 tty= ruser= rhost=XX.XX.XX.XX user=test

Could this be related to HTTPS sending the encrypted password to Apache, and Apache failing to decrypt it somehow, instead sending it directly to PAM?

Help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Most likely you are using file-based name services and apache cannot read /etc/shadow.