Parse HTTP requests through Wireshark


Is there any way to parse HTTP request data in wireshark? For example, can I expose the request parameters upon an HTTP GET request (being sent by my machine), so that I don't need to read the (sometimes) truncated URL and find them by myself?

I was using Tamper Data and Firebug, on my Firefox, to analyse these requests, but they're not as reliable as a stand-alone tool for monitoring my network interface, but wireshark keeps data too raw concerning HTTP flow.

If you guys know any other stand-alone tool that does this (must be Linux-compatible), please tell me.


Best Answer

sure, you can do it with tshark:

tshark -n -R http.request -s 2000

If you're running http on a non-standard port, say 8000 for a proxy, make sure to add `-d tcp.port==8000,http' so it will know to decode port 8000 as http traffic.