Pass authentication from Apache to JBoss


I have an Apache server setup that is passing requests over to a JBoss server to serve Java content. I've been able to get this working without a problem. However, it appears that the authentication from Apache is not being sent.

When I go to a given URL, Apache challenges me for the username/password, but when the request gets over to JBoss and I try to getRemoteUser(), I get nothing. I'm pretty new to configuring any type of server (I'm a developer setting up a test environment), so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Several possible solutions; if you're using mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk for the connector then make sure that this is set in your server.xml connector:


That will most likely fix the problem. If not, it's a bit more difficult depending on which module you're using for the AJP13 connection; we'll need to know which one before helping further.