Passing multiple environment variables a process managed by a supervisor


I need to proxy multiple environment variables from /etc/environment to a process managed by a supervisor.

The following configuration worked for me with supervisor 3.0r1-1 but supervisor 3.2.0-2 reports an error:


Error: Unexpected end of key/value pairs in value…

Some answers suggest to quote the values but if I do so, the variables wouldn't be expanded to real values.

What am I doing wrong? How to fix it?

Best Answer

According to, have you tried putting them all on one line?


(that is, = is used for both environment itself and for the key-value pairs, separated by commas, with the values bounded with quotation marks)

Also, where does $FOO come from? says 'No shell is executed by supervisord when it runs a subprocess' so its not clear how you expect $FOO to work.