Amazon S3 Performance – Considerations for Loading Images from S3 Bucket

amazon s3amazon-web-servicesfilesystems

I am working on e-commerce website where users can upload images for the product that they want to sell on the website. The website is running on a windows/IIS server.

At the moment I am using Windows file system to store the images, but sine the size of images is growing, I have decided to move them to AWS S3 bucket. My only concern is that I am not sure how good the performance would be? Is there anyway I could improve the image load time from S3? Does AWS provide a faster alternative?

Best Answer

S3 is fast enough for most use-cases. Even Amazon serves images from S3.

Having said that... Consider putting CloudFront CDN in front of the bucket and serve the images through CloudFront.

  1. It will cache them and reduce traffic from S3.

  2. It will bring the images closer to your visitors in different regions because CloudFront has Points of presence in over 160 datacentres around the world.

  3. It communicates with S3 over the internal AWS network which is often faster than public internet.

So yes, CloudFront is the answer. Hope that helps :)

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