Performance Manager – what counters


We're currently looking at moving from a traditional Server environment to a SAN/VMWare environemnt.

I've been asked to gather performance statistics for our main servers – DCs, File Servers, Exchange to see if it is feasible for our environment or if we're going to run into SAN performance issues.

I've been running some scheduled baselines over 8 hours and including lots of counters but the resulting logs are too big to be useful – it takes about three minutes for perfmon to open them, or allow us to view diffeent counters.

Although I know generally which are useful to see performance what would be an adequate list to monitor that would give us a useful starting point, also what counters would be useful for this.

I'm thinking

  • CPU Performance
  • Disk/File
  • Network Usage
  • Active Diretory (GPOs, Logons etc)

But what counters would be the most useful, also are there any areas that we should specifically target for concern?

Best Answer

The big one that's likely to kill you is disk IO. Collecting both the transactions per second and the sectors read/written per second will give you a start on determining what you'll need on the SAN. Keep an eye on memory and pagefile usage, too, that can do bad things to your disk IO stats, and provisioning your VMs with some extra memory is simple.

Network is probably the next most important one, but that's pretty simple -- aggregate transfer and packets per second, make sure it's not too ridiculous.

CPU is the least likely bottleneck on a modern system, in my experience. I'd be inclined not to worry about it unless you've got multiple machines that are pegging their CPU consistently. Provisioning an extra VM server if you're running out of CPU is straightforward.