Perl 5.10 on CentOS 5


I would like to run some perl-scripts on my server that require perl 5.10. Perl 5.10 seems to be released many years ago and is still not available for CentOS5.

In #rhel I was recommended to install RHEL6, but I use CentOS. In #centos I was jokingly recommended to install CentOS-6.

This leaves me wondering… all other Linux distributions I know already support perl 5.10, except for CentOS. Should I manually install perl 5.10? Or is this likely to end up making my server a mess? Or should I try to rebuild packages based on Fedora source packages?

Best Answer

The "Modern" way of setting up a version of Perl different from the system Perl is by using
perlbrew - this way you can maintain a Perl version on a per-user basis without messing too much with the system installed perl; this way system installed stuff that uses Perl still works without problems.

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