Permissions for EC2 created by Elastic Beanstalk connecting to external RDS


I am quite new to Elastic Beanstalk and not very proficient with server administration, but I need to set up a Django project on Elastic Beanstalk connecting to external RDS MySQL database.

I have created a separate RDS MySQL database and I can connect to it using Sequel Pro on my computer without problems. Then I have my Django project which I try to put to Elastic Beanstalk, but unfortunately without luck. If I run the local Django server from my computer, the project is browsable and Amazon RDS MySQL is accessible. However, when I run

eb deploy

I get

django.db.utils.OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server
on '' (110)")

If I login to the EC2 server via SSH

eb ssh

and then check the open ports with

netstat -lntu

I don't see MySQL's port 3306 there, so I guess it is blocked by firewall.

This is what I tried regarding permissions:

  1. I went to RDS Dashboard -> Security Groups and created myapp-mysql-security-group with EC2 Security Group connection type pointing to EC2 security group used by Elastic Beanstalk EC2 instance “awseb-e-…”.
  2. I went to EC2 -> Security Groups and for “awseb-e-…” I set the Inbound MySQL port with source
  3. I went to VPC Dashboard -> Security Groups and created myapp-mysql-security-group with Inbound Rules of MySQL port with source

Then I tried to redeploy, restart servers and even rebuild environment, but nothing helped. The MySQL port 3306 is still not open in the EC2 instances created by Elastic Beanstalk.

What am I doing wrong or what is missing?

Best Answer

There seemed to be two missing points in the configuration:

  1. I had to recreate the Elastic Beanstalk environment to be inside of the same Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) as the RDS database. This can be done by:

    eb create myapp-staging --vpc

and then answering some questions like what is the VPC id.

  1. I had to enter VPC CIDR (IP) to the allowed incoming connections for MySQL for "rds-launch-wizard" security group:

    a) Go to VPC Dashboard -> Your VPCs and copy VPC CIDR.

    b) Go to VPC Dashboard -> Security Groups and select the "rds-launch-wizard" group, then edit the Inbound Rules and add this rule:

    MySQL/Aurora (3306) | TCP (6) | 3306 | <VPC CIDR here>