PFSense refuses IPv6 Gateway Config


I am configuring a PFSense box to use as a firewall.
It's config should be:

IPv6 address: 2a01:4f8:a0:241b::1
Gateway: fe80::1

But when I try to add this gateway in the gui, PFSense refuses and tells me it cannot do this:

enter image description here

And when I use the CLI it tells me this:

Not in subnet!

I tried this config on a Windows box hooked up to the same switch/router, and not only did it not complain, it works as in intended and can contact services like google using this gateway.
I have no clue as to why PFSense would not accept this config.

Best Answer

So here's how I was able to fix this:

Go to System/Routing/Gateways. Here you can add/edit a gateway like fe80::1 and set it a gateway/default for any interface.