PHP 5.3 on IIS gives 404 error in CGI mode


Slowly losing my mind here. I had PHP 5.2 working fine
(ISAPI) under IIS, but for some extension I needed 5.3. So
no worries, I installed this but it turns out ISAPI is not
supplied anymore.

I followed the install tutorials for fastcgi and ended up
with a 500 internal server error for every PHP page served.

So my current situation is:
I have fastcgi removed.
In my websites I have added PHP (head, get, post) and routed
them to c:\php\php-cgi.exe.

Result: every PHP page I try (even the ones with just text)
gives 404 not found error. Any HTML file I put in the same
folder, serves without a hitch.

Who can help me please… How hard can something like this
be right? For me apparently very hard.

Extra information:

  • ran the installer as suggested below. Set it to use fastcgi.

  • my fcgiext.ini file looks like this now:

  • from the command-line a 3 line PHP file with just phpinfo(); works fine

  • from the server the same PHP file with just phpinfo(); results in the internal server 500 error.
  • from the server a PHP file with just text works fine
  • when changing the document types in IIS management console and point the PHP extension directly to c:\php\php-cgi.exe results in 404 for every PHP file
  • the php.ini is the php.ini.production file which came in the distribution. No edits were made.

Setting the IIS PHP handler directly to PHP (not via
fastcgi) c:\php\php-cgi.exe results in the following:

  • display a PHP page with only text….works fine
  • display a page with only phpinfo(); results in 404 not found

Best Answer

I found the problem. In the php.ini there are some values which need to be set for CGI and IIS. The force_redirect needs to be 0. Furthermore, the PHP extension needs to be added in the webextensions sections of IIS.

Those things fixed the problems.