PHP 5.4 not available for windows + Apache


I'd like to install the new PHP 5.4 on my Windows machine. I'm running Apache 2.2 on it. Reading the info on, it says "If you are using PHP with Apache 1 or Apache2 from you need to use the VC6 versions of PHP". I guess I'm in that case, I just donloaded Apache from

However, there are no VC6 versions available of PHP 5.4, not even of PHP 5.3. How can I install PHP 5.4 on my Windows machine then ?

Best Answer

You needed to keep reading a bit further down the page.

"VC9 versions of Apache can be fetched at Apache Lounge. We use their binaries to build the Apache SAPIs."

Just be sure to get the 32 bit version on the download page.