Php – Amazon SES not sending to multiple recipients (AWS SDK for PHP)


I've set up Amazon SES on my server. I'm using AWS SDK for PHP. It's version one. Here's the documentation. Here is the code I'm using to send:

$to = $_POST['mailto']; 

$response = $email->send_email(
  $from, // Source (SENDER or FROM)
  array('ToAddresses' => array( // Destination (RECIPIENT, or TO)

In the AWSSDK docs, here is their example for sending emails to one person:

$response = $email->send_email(
    '', // Source (aka From)
    array('ToAddresses' => array( // Destination (aka To)

And to multiple people:

$response = $email->send_email(
    '', // Source (aka From)
    array( // Destination (aka To)
        'ToAddresses' => array(

I can send to one person easily enough, but no matter what I do, I can't send to two people. I've tried making the recipients '', '', or,, but it doesn't work. I need the recipients to be in PHP on the page that has the form, so I can't hard code it into the sending PHP file.

It looks something like this.

<input type="hidden" value="," id="mailto" name="mailto">

Any help you can give towards a solution would be greatly appreciated!

And I'm out of the Sandbox with production emails enabled.

If I do directly edit the send file, it will send.

Best Answer

My solution:

// Get the string of recipients
$recipientString = $_POST['mailto'];

// Convert string to an array
$to = explode(',', $recipientString);

$from, // Source (SENDER or FROM)
array('ToAddresses' =>
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