Php – Apache2 slow serving static while healthy


My Apache status looks like;

201 requests/sec - 98.8 kB/second - 504 B/request
85 requests currently being processed, 345 idle workers

Server load is average 2 on a 4 core machine.

IO utilization is 10-15% and doesn't have many jumps over 70%.

Machine has almost 4 gb free and uses 0 swap.

The site on the machine is a PHP site. All PHP code is optimized and fast mostly when it gets accessed, however sometimes requests get stuck. Stuck meaning; no response for at least 10 sec. We debugged the PHP code, but it is quite optimal and fast. We spend a lot of time on it until we decided to test the requesting of:


test.html page.

This static resource also gets 'stuck' in the same manner the php pages get 'stuck'.

How is that possible given the health of the system and the fact that it is a static file?

I tested the network, but, when the PHP shows 'slowness' in the site monitoring, the html test files also take (far longer) than 10 sec to load using;

time lynx -dump

We are kind of desperate to solve this problem, but we cannot seem to tackle it.

Best Answer

Maybe Apache runs out of file handles? How many file handles you have allowed it to have? The default 1024 can be a bottleneck quite soon. In Linux you up the limits in /etc/security/limits.conf file.

Is there lots of disk activity during the stalls? If you have Apache access log and other logs very verbosely enabled, maybe it's the filesystem committing the latest changes? That should not affect Apache in any way, but you never know.

And just to make sure, take a look at /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail during the stalls. You can see it with for example watch -n1 'cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail'. If it says 0, your kernel has ran out of entropy and that blocks Apache until there is more entropy available.

If that's the case you can install rng-tools and run the rngd daemon, which shovels semi-random numbers from /dev/urandom to /dev/random in the situations where the real entropy is not available.

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