Php – Blocking Invalid HTTP Requests to PHP Application


For the first time in a number of years, I'm semi-responsible for helping out with the server administration of a PHP web application (served out using Apache).

We're seeing a number of requests for invalid URLs, which I assume are malware/exploit related probes. Things like



I'd like to block these requests, both the stick it to the bad actors, but more importantly clear out my logs. To that end, I have a few questions

  1. Will, in general, blocking by IP address work? I know it's been a long time since "IP Address == unique device on Internet", but I'm wondering if these sort of probes generally come from the sort of networks where it'd be safe for me to just block them outright

  2. If I can't block by IP address, does anyone maintain a list of URLs that bad actors generally probe for so I can block by URL?

  3. Re: #2 — If I was going to handle this blocking at the server level, which apache module is right for this sort of thing? (MOD_REWRITE, MOD_SECURITY)

  4. Is there a better way to block these requests other than by IP or URL?

  5. Also, the system is hosted on EC2 — does amazon offer any help with this sort of thing?

Best Answer

  1. Blocking IP adresses will be a race you can't possibly win. These request usually come from botnets or hacked systems. I would suggest blocking IP just as a temporary solution to a concrete incident where the requests cause problems on you side.

  2. I'm not aware of such a list

  3. Both will work. But I assume (not tested) that just ignoring the requests will actually be less CPU intense

  4. Use a reverse proxy (e.g. varnish or even mod_cache) to cache negative hits (404). So that requests to the same (non existing) URLs can be handled very fast and dont require checking the filesystem everytime.

  5. Unaware