Php – Building php-devel package from source (php 5.3)


I am building PHP 5.3 rpm packages for our custom CentOS 5 yum repo. I am fairly new to building rpms to be honest, but I have had moderate success downloading the SRPMS for a given package and repackaging them using "rpmbuild –rebuild" command.

One thing that is throwing me off though is how to satisfy the php-devel package.. I obviously have the PHP 5.3 source files as I was able to build my php-common and other packages with it. But I am not sure how to actually build the devel package! From what I understand, I already have most of what I need – the latest php 5.3.5 source tarball. However I am not sure how to build the correct .spec file to satisfy what I need.

If you are knowledgeable in this area, would you mind helping a fellow sysadmin out? Sharing a spec file or at least giving me some pointers on how to approach it.

Thanks much serverfault community!

Best Answer

Have you looked at using this build of php53?