Php – Can’t get PHP to stop showing errors


Contrary to most people's problem I cannot get PHP to stop showing errors, I have in my php.ini display_errors set to off but it still shows them, I have also tried .htaccess, and inline ini_set and error_reporting variables but the errors still show.

What can I do to prevent this overide?

Mac OS X Lion Server 10.7.1
MAMP Compiled using instructions from DIY Mac Server (


This is where my php.ini file is stored…

This is where my php.ini is

This is the value of my display_errors setting at run time

This is the value of my display_errors

And this is the copy and paste value written in /etc/php.ini

display_errors = Off

Best Answer

make sure your editing the right php.ini file as there are two ini files, one for apache and one for CLI.