Php – Cron job keeps running!


I've set up a cron job to wget a PHP script every hour. However, it seems to get stuck in a loop and constantly running. If I run the script in a browser or via the command line it works fine. I've tried using wget and command line PHP and I get the same problem.

Here's my job:

0, 9-18, * * 1-5 wget

Best Answer

Remove the commata from your minute and hour columns. Specify timeouts and retries explicitely like with

0 9-18 * * 1-5 wget -a /tmp/cron.log --tries=1 --timeout=90

You may want to add a log during your tests, this is done with -a in the example.

[Edit after comment:]

To get to know that it's not smth. wget specific you could replace your cron command line with a timout command that has a higher duration than the 90secs timeout I added in my example:

timeout --kill-after=110 --signal=15 110 wget -a /tmp/cron.log --tries=1 --timeout=90

wget should stop after 90 secs, if not, timeout terminates it after 110 secs. (signal SIGTERM=15 should be sufficient, if not use SIGKILL=9).

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