Php – Differences between php5 and php5-cli packages on Debian


I have a debian etch server with php5 packages installed.

My issue is that I can't find any php executable to run scripts on the command line. Running "whereis php5" return folders with only config files, .so files and no executables and "whereis php" returns nothing.

I've googled and found out about php-cli. Is this the solution that I'm looking for? If so, what are the differences between php5 and php5-cli packages? Will installing the php5-cli package interfere with my current setup of php5?

Thanks for the help!


Best Answer

'php5' isn't php itself. There is libapache2-mod-php5 which is the php5 module used by apache (.so file), php5-cli will install a standalone binary file that can be used to run php script locally on the server (/usr/bin/php5). You can have both installed without any problems

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