Php – Enable zip on PHP 5.1.6 without recompile


I've got a CentOS / Red Hat 5.5 box running the current PHP 5.1.6 package. A user is getting the following error:

Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /var/www/html/<filename.php> on line 225

Based on some reading it looks like PHP wants to have had the –enable-zip flag at compile time, however we are running the packaged version for RedHat / Cent. I'm not excited about compiling PHP from source just to enable this option; is there a way to enable the zip functions without resorting to a custom compile?

Other info… in php.ini I have:

zlib.output_compression = On
; zlib.output_handler =

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

Best Answer

If you have the zlib-devel package installed when you install the PHP package, it will count as if the enable-zip flag is set.

yum install zlib-devel && yum install php

You might need to uninstall php if the same version in the repos is installed.

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