PHP FastCGI SAPI: Reloading PHP Configuration


I am using PHP FastCGI SAPI on my web hosting environment to run PHP applications. To spawn FCGI processes I use spawn-fcgi helper program. My problem is whenever I make a change to php.ini file, I have to kill and respawn each FastCGI server for the new configuration to take effect.

Is there a way to reload PHP configuration(ie. php.ini directives) without respawning each FastCGI server? I try sending hangup signal (ie. kill -HUP PHPCGIPID) to the servers but this will result in termination of the servers.

Best Answer

As far as I know, PHP's FastCGI interpreter doesn't react to signals like HUP, USR1 or USR2 to reload its configuration.

Maybe PHP-FPM could help you to achieve what you want. On the downside, it requires patching PHP.

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