PHP – Find the PHP Script That’s Sending Mails


Is there any way for me to find the php script that is sending emails.

I have apache+php ( no mod_suphp neither suexec ) in a "standard" install, and i want to find out witch php script is sending emails, when i check the logs i just see the uid of the user that's sending the emails ( in my case apache ) but i want to find out the script that's originated the email.

Is it possible or i must install suexec or mod_suphp to keep trac of that ?

Thks for the help.

Best Answer

php 5.3 was slotted to get better mail tracing, but I'm not sure if that happened. (edit: yes php 5.3 has logging built in now - php.ini has the config variable mail.log which will log use of mail from php code.)

We solved the problem by making sendmail a wrapper shell script.

In php.ini set a new mailer. E.g.:

sendmail_path = /usr/local/bin/sendmail-php -t -i

The sendmail-php script simply uses logger to get info, and then calls the system's sendmail:


logger -p -t sendmail-php "site=${HTTP_HOST}, client=${REMOTE_ADDR}, script=${SCRIPT_NAME}, filename=${SCRIPT_FILENAME}, docroot=${DOCUMENT_ROOT}, pwd=${PWD}, uid=${UID}, user=$(whoami)"

/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i $*

This will log to whatever your is set to in the syslog.conf file.

Another suggestion is to install suhosin php extension to tighten up loopholes in PHP, unless you are running Debian or Ubuntu where this is already the default.

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