PHP fopen fails – does not have permission to open file in write mode


I have an Apache 2.17 server running on a Fedora 13. I want to be able to create a file in a directory.

I cannot do that. Whenever I try to open a file with php for writing fopen(,'w'), it tells me that I don't have permission to do that.

So i checked the httpd.conf file in /etc/httpd/conf/. It says user apache, group apache. So I changed ownership (chown -R apache:apache .*) of my whole /www directory to apache:apache. I also run chmod -R 777 *

Apart from knowing how terribly dangerous this is, it actually still gives me the same error, even though I even allow public write!

Best Answer

Check your error log, it will tell you the problem. I think it will boil down to one of these four things:
- PHP safe_mode is enabled for the domain. The error log will make this clear.
- PHP open_basedir restrictions are in effect. Again, the error log will make this clear.
- You have the wrong document root
- A parent directory has the wrong permissons.

Also, change those permissions as soon as possible. If you're using PHP as an apache module, if your website gets compromised the attacker will be able to write custom PHP scripts and execute them at will via the browser.

If you're using FC13 and have acl enabled, consider using a setfacl instead of chmod -R 777 - it's a little more secure (only specified for given users) and easier to undo:
setfacl -R -m user:apache:rwx /path/to/webroot
setfacl -d -R -m user:apache:rwx /path/to/webroot.