Apache Server – How to Create Robots.txt for All Domains


We have a XAMPP Apache development web server setup with virtual hosts and want to stop serps from crawling all our sites. This is easily done with a robots.txt file. However, we'd rather not include a disallow robots.txt in every vhost and then have to remove it when we went live with the site on another server.

Is there a way with an apache config file to rewrite all requests to robots.txt on all vhosts to a single robots.txt file?

If so, could you give me an example? I think it would be something like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule  .*robots\.txt$         C:\xampp\vhosts\override-robots.txt [L] 


Best Answer

Apache mod_alias is designed for this and available from the core Apache system, and can be set in one place with almost no processing overhead, unlike mod_rewrite.

Alias /robots.txt C:/xampp/vhosts/override-robots.txt

With that line in the apache2.conf file, outside all the vhost's, http://example.com/robots.txt - on any website it serves, will output the given file.

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