Php – How to install Apache 2.2.X and PHP5 as a Module on Windows Vista without crashing


I followed the instructions on PHP5 readme file to do a manual install on Windows and as a module on top of Apache.

I ran phpinfo() and it appeared all OK.

Then, every time I run php code calling MySQL it crashed. I just could prevent the crashes installing PHP5 as CGI.

Note that the crashes stopped just by changing Apache config from loading PHP5 as a module to running PHP5 as CGI. No PHP config changes involved.

Also noteworthy: the same PHP5 as an Apache module install steps executed on another Windows XP machine run smoothly.

Best Answer

How to Install and Configure PHP 5 to Run with Apache on Windows has instructions on how you can run PHP 5 as an Apache Module.

If you want more specific answers, you should include error-messages from the crashing application.