Php – How to install thesql PDO driver in Ubuntu 10.04 and PHP 5.3.2


I tried to install mysql PDO driver with this command:

$ sudo pecl install pdo_mysql

but I got the following error:

WARNING: "pecl/PDO_MYSQL" is deprecated in favor of "channel://"
WARNING: "pecl/PDO" is deprecated in favor of "channel://"
downloading PDO_MYSQL-1.0.2.tgz ...
Starting to download PDO_MYSQL-1.0.2.tgz (14,778 bytes)
.....done: 14,778 bytes
downloading PDO-1.0.3.tgz ...
Starting to download PDO-1.0.3.tgz (52,613 bytes)
...done: 52,613 bytes
12 source files, building
running: phpize
sh: phpize: not found
ERROR: `phpize' failed
7 source files, building
running: phpize
sh: phpize: not found
ERROR: `phpize' failed

Does anybody know how to install PDO drivers in Ubuntu 10.04?


Best Answer

At least in ubuntu 11.04 as well as kubuntu 11.04 mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql are included in the php5-mysql package.

I assume this is also the case for 10.04

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