Php – Htaccess application/type with PHP as FastCGI


Is there a way to use .htaccess with PHP as CGI/FastCGI?

I would like to be able to have other extensions open as PHP.

I have tried the following:

AddType application/fcgid-script .phpd
AddHandler fcgid-script .phpd

With PHP as FastCGI does this mean I need to do something else other then .htaccess?

Best Answer

I use these:

AddHandler php-fastcgi .php .php5
AddType text/html .php .php5
DirectoryIndex index.php index.php5

Note, PHP will not process files if PHP content doesnt start with <?php and will process files with <? only if allowed by php.ini

and if you want to be able to use it with htaccess - you'll need to allowoverride it.