Php – Install Previous Version of PHP Package from Debian Testing Using Apt


Is there a way to install an older Debian testing repository version of a package using apt-get?

Specifically, I am looking to install the latest version of PHP 5.2.x on Debian Lenny.

The last time I set up an environment, 5.2.12 just happened to be the version in Debian testing. That was perfect, convenient. Now, testing is at 5.3.x which won't work for my purposes, and my attempts at sudo apt-get -t testing install php5=5.2.12* are answered with E: Version '5.2.12*' for 'php5' was not found.

Best Answer

apt-get is made to register only one version of a package for a release/architecture. You cannot get the package via apt-get if it's been replaced in the repository.

It's also likely that the previous version was purged from the repository, unless it is still referred to by another release (which I don't think it's the case here).

You don't have it in your cache either, otherwise you would be able to install it.

You could still try to find it on

If you still fail to find it, we can arrange something if you need it packaged, contact me.