PHP – Loading JSON in PHP53: ZVAL_DELREF Error on Line 0


I'm trying to loading JSON into the new-installed PHP5.3.1 on a CentOS server. Previously there was a PHP5.1 or near and due to the latest version of WordPress I had to upgrade the PHP.

I tried to install JSON via yum with:

    yum install php-pecl-json

But I get a "php53-common is in conflict with php-common". With –skip-broken doesn't work, either.

I've tried it manually and got the JSON package via PEAR:

 pear install pecl/json

After some errors regarding certain functions that are decrapted in this new version of PHP,
I still got the following error on php -v:

 # php -v
 PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/ undefined symbol: ZVAL_DELREF in Unknown on line 0
 PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Mar 30 2011 13:51:54) 

Afterwards, I've installed JSON manually, entered the folder and did phpize prior to ./configure, make and make install. I also copied the to /usr/lib64/php/modules. Nothing working so far.

The json.ini in /etc/php.d states:

extension =

I did replace from "extension = " with /usr/lib64/php/modules/ And also entered "/usr/lib64/php/modules" as extension_dir into /etc/php.ini.

No luck. Can anyone help?

Thank you.


 # yum repolist
 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
 Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  * base:
  * epel:
  * extras:
  * rpmforge:
  * updates:
 base                                                     | 2.1 kB     00:00     
 epel                                                     | 3.7 kB     00:00     
 extras                                                   | 2.1 kB     00:00     
 rpmforge                                                 | 1.1 kB     00:00     
 updates                                                  | 1.9 kB     00:00     
 repo id      repo name                                           status
 base         CentOS-5 - Base                                     enabled:  3,535
 epel         Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 - x86_64      enabled:  6,543
 extras       CentOS-5 - Extras                                   enabled:    299
 rpmforge     RHEL 5 - - dag                         enabled: 10,691
 updates      CentOS-5 - Updates                                  enabled:    765
 repolist: 21,833

UPDATE 2: JSON is already packed within php-common, so when installing PHP from REMI repo, for example, version 5.3.6 you'll already have JSON installed.

It seems that after that, trying to install JSON via pecl install json or manually will output the error I've stated above.

Thank you.

Best Answer

But I get a "php53-common is in conflict with php-common". With --skip-broken doesn't work, either.

Please give us the output of yum repolist?

"No luck" means still got the same error when installing via pear?

Afterwards, I've installed JSON manually, entered the folder and did phpize prior to ./configure, make and make install. I also copied the to /usr/lib64/php/modules

make install will copy the extension to /usr/lib64/php/modules automatically, no need to manual copy.

Also take a look at created time to make sure that you loaded the right extension. Don't forget to reload (restart) Apache after that.