Php – Login with phptheadmin only works under Firefox, no error messages generated


I've setup a phpmyadmin site protected by an htaccess file. The site is also set up to force an SSL connection.

The problem is that everything works fine under Firefox but not other browsers (Opera, Chrome, Midori, …) Moreover, with the other browsers, I get no error message and using either a good or bad login will just refresh the login page. There's nothing in the Apache/php logs, either.

I really don't understand why this only works with Firefox.

I'm using the last version of phpmyadmin and up-to date-packages from Debian Squeeze. Trying with the phpmyadmin version from Debian's repository also causes this error, and cleaning my browser's cookies, even uninstalling and reinstalling browsers doesn't help either.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best Answer

Check to see if the date and time on the server is accurate.

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