Php – missing config files when compiling a php extension


I do the phpize..
When I reach the ./configure It tells me it can fins the php-config (configure: error: Cannot find php-config. Please use --with-php-config=PATH)
I assume it means a file named php-config
I do ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/src/php5/php-5.3.5/scripts/ --enable-entities
Which points to that file's directory, but still, I get same error.

Best Answer

php-config is a shell script (executable program) that should be part of your PHP installation. Normally this would be on your $PATH, but in your case it is not.

Locate the program, and specify its full path (e.g. --with-php-config=/usr/local/apache/PHP/bin/php-config) to resolve the error message.
If you do not know where the script is you can use the locate or find command to help you find it.

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