Php – Multi-site hosting – important vulnerability being missed to secure sites from each other


EDIT #2 July 23, 2015: Looking for a new answer that identifies an important security item missed in the below setup or can give reason to believe everything's covered.

EDIT #3 July 29, 2015: I'm especially looking for a possible misconfiguration like inadvertently permitting something that could be exploited to circumvent security restrictions or worse yet leaving something wide open.

This is multi-site / shared hosting setup and we want to use a shared Apache instance (i.e. runs under one user account) but with PHP / CGI running as each website's user to ensure no site can access another site's files, and we want to make sure nothing's being missed (e.g. if we didn't know about symlink attack prevention).

Here's what I have so far:

  • Make sure PHP scripts run as the website's Linux user account and group, and are either jailed (such as using CageFS) or at least properly restricted using Linux filesystem permissions.
  • Use suexec to ensure that CGI scripts can't be run as the Apache user.
  • If needing server-side include support (such as in shtml files), use Options IncludesNOEXEC to prevent CGI from being able to be run when you don't expect it to (though this shouldn't be as much of a concern if using suexec).
  • Have symlink attack protection in place so a hacker can't trick Apache into serving up another website's files as plaintext and disclosing exploitable information like DB passwords.
  • Configure AllowOverride / AllowOverrideList to only allow any directives that a hacker couldn't exploit. I think this is less of a concern if the above items are done properly.

I'd go with MPM ITK if it wasn't so slow and didn't run as root, but we're specifically wanting to use a shared Apache yet make sure it's done securely.

I found, but it wasn't comprehensive on this topic.

If it's helpful to know, we're planning to use CloudLinux with CageFS and mod_lsapi.

Is there anything else to make sure to do or know about?

EDIT July 20, 2015: People have submitted some good alternate solutions which are valuable in general, but please note that this question is targeted only regarding the security of a shared Apache setup. Specifically is there something not covered above which could let one site access another site's files or compromise other sites somehow?


Best Answer

I completely agree with the items you have so far.

I used to run such a multi-user setup a few years ago and I basically found the same trade-off: mod_php is fast (partly because everything runs inside the same process) and suexec is slow but secure (because every request forks a new process). I went with suexec, because user isolation was required.

Currently there is a third option you might consider: give every user their own php-fpm daemon. Whether this is feasible depends on the number of users, because every on of them has to get at least one php-fpm process using their user account (the daemon then uses a prefork like mechanism to scale for requests, so the number of processes and their memory usage may be limiting factors). You will also need some automated config generation, but that should be doable with a few shell scripts.

I have not used that method in large environments but IMHO that is a good solution to provide good PHP website performance while still isolating users on the process level.

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