Php – “PEAR package PHP_Archive not installed” after upgrade php to 5.4.38 on centos6.6


if I havn't install php before, everything is OK.

When I upgrade php from 5.4.36 to 5.4.38, it says PEAR package PHP_Archive not installed: generated phar will require PHP's phar extension be enabled. and then there is no pecl in bin dir.

I have to manually install by wget && php go-pear.phar, but go-pear.phar does not support cli param so I have to manually press enter to continue the pear installation.

I hope pear can be installed automatically, what should I do?

Best Answer

The warning about PHP_Archive can safely be ignored. If you want to get rid of it, you can install the PHP_Archive PEAR package (pear install pear/PHP_Archive should do the trick). The message should then disappear provided the path to PEAR's code directory is in your include_path (which is the case for a default installation).

The missing pecl command is what's really strange. Not really sure what's going on there. As a workaround and to answer your last question, there is another installer for PEAR which accepts command line options. You can grab it from This installer can then be used to install PEAR silently.