Php – Reconfiguring or recompiling a PHP installation originally installed via yum


I'm a programmer who currently does not have a sysadmin. I have a decent, but not in-depth, knowledge of Linux OSes such as RedHat and Scientific Linux.

Right now I'm writing some programs in PHP for a webserver running on Scientific Linux 6.3 which is hosting a live site. PHP was installed via yum, version 5.3.3-14.el6_3

The website the server is hosting is running on a content management system written in php, and it works just fine. However, my programs use the DOMDocument and Curl libraries which, according to the "Configure Command" section of phpinfo(), were not installed. This is preventing my scripts from running correctly. I see the following parameters in that section: --disable-dom and --without-curl

Is there some way I can enable the curl and DOMDocument functionality without recompiling PHP from the command line? Perhaps there is a yum command?

If I do need to manually recompile PHP, what is the best way to go about doing this, considering that the current PHP was installed via yum?

Best Answer

Use yum (-: Here is an example

yum install php-mcrypt

This will install php's mcrypt module and any related dependencies.

You can look for the libraries/modules to install by running

yum search name_of_library_or_module