PHP Session Doesn’t Seem To Work


I am setting up AfterLogic Webmail Lite, which requires PHP with session support. It says that session support is not enabled, but I find this quite strange, since session.save_handler is defined:

session.save_handler = files

I tried setting this to /tmp, but that didn't work either. I installed PHP from the Arch repositories (not AUR). What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Try running php -i (or executing phpinfo() in a script) and check the following :

  • is the session extension loaded ? (running php -m|grep session or executing function_exists("session_start") will also answer to this question)
  • is session.auto_start enabled ?
  • is session.save_path existing and writeable by the server process ?
  • what is the software doing to be able to tell that session support is not enabled ?